I ran the Horsepasture with a crew of 5 other people on Saturday, and it was by far the most remote wilderness experience I have ever had, and the entire run is barely 3.5 miles. This run takes some time and some skills, as one of the guys said on the water "This makes the Green River Narrows look like Wilson Creek." If you are interested in running this river, we should talk first so I can give you the beta, because it's pretty hard to figure out on your own. Here are the photos:

(Chris at Corner Pocket aka Raven Fork Rapid)

(Matt Porter at Thrasher Pike Ramp A)
(Matt Porter looking over Windy Falls)
I'll add more photos after I get them from the rest of the crew, this was an amazing day, I learned more about teamwork and paddling while running this river than I ever have before.

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